Whew! What a night! Around 7:45 Rylee got down from the table and tripped. She fell face first on a metal planter. I was in the kitchen and just heard her fall and instantly start crying really hard. I ran to her and her mouth was overflowing with blood and one of her front teeth hanging down by a string. I was trying to get the blood out of her mouth with a dishrag and ice her face and think at the same about what to do. I pulled the rag down and the tooth fell out onto my hand and I saw that her lip so cut so deep that she would need stitches. She had 2 large slices from the begining of her bottom lip past her lip line. Looking at her made me instantly nauseous and dizzy. She had settled down considerable and was just moaning a little bit. I grabbed my flip flops and my purse and we headed out the door to Urgent Care. I couldn't get the picture of her lip and the raw flesh around it out of my mind. I was becoming very sick and I knew I was going to pass out.....and of course, I did. Luckily my mom was with my and took Rylee from me and was trying to keep my coherent. I eventually came out of it but was shaking really bad. Once we got there, the doctor on call saw her right away and advised me to take her to the E.R. because she would definitely need stitches and would be best if they were done at the hospital for cosemetic purposes. So off to Inland Valley Hospital we went. We arrived there around 9:00 and sat waiting for over 2.5 hours. Rylee was so good, talking with people in the waiting room all while her face is swelling and she is bleeding. She feel asleep for about 20 minutes and thats all she needed for a second wind. We finally were seen around 11:40 P.M. and were taken to a bed they had rolled out in the hall. Finally, a doctor came by and examined her and said she was going to need stitches, she thought about 1 and I was thinking 5. After waiting another 45 minutes, she came back and got set up. She wrapped Rylee is a couple of bed linens and folded them around her so she could not move her arms or legs. A male nurse came behind her to hold her head. Now during this, I'm thinking these people are crazy and this is too much for my girl. Rylee kept calm and was amazingly good. The doctor gave her 2 shots in her lip and she didn't even flinch. I sang her
Old McDonald Had A Farm and held her hands. She then got 4 stitches in her bottom lip and didn't let out one single tear or whimper. The doctors and nurses sung her praise and couldn't believe how still she was and how good. The doctor asked me if she could clone Rylee and that she is the best patient shes had. I was impressed too, so brave and tough. It seemed like the whole time I was there, I was calling out for God to just keep me stable enough to be there for Magoo and to keep Rylee safe, give her strenth, the doctors wisdom and heal her. He exceed my expectations by miles! Its funny how a situation like this will make so dependent on Him and show you your priorities. Sitting in that waiting room made me so thankful that all I was there for were stitches and not something life threatening. We finally left the hospital around 12:45 A.M. We were all exhausted and glad the end was insight. At home I showered Rylee (cause that hospital was dirty) and got her in bed. She was out with 5 minutes. The first pictures are of right when I got her out of the tub.

Even after all that, she still could give me a smile.

Waking up the next morning. She started off rough, because her lip bleed throughout the night and her lips were sealed shut. After grandma got them apart she was much better. I think the push pop helped too.

This is in the evening after her medicine kicks in and shes feeling good. I wanted to get a picture of her missing tooth and so we laid on the bed and made funny faces to the camera.

This was her suprised face. When she saw it, it was the first time she really saw her missing tooth and swollen lip together and she laughed so hard.

This is her crazy face.

Another suprised face.

Her sleepy face.